8th of july 2017

Hello everybody,let me first of all wish Paul McGibney a very happy 50th birthday. Paul is married to my sister Rosie and father to two of my lovely nephews Hamish and Angus.
Busy couple of days. Lal our  now home lost her name for a while , as she was being painted from a blue hull to a white one.. Mark my husband did the work and made a super job .Well yesterday we pu the stickers back on. And so Lal in gold is getting nearer to the launch day. It may sound easy putting stickers on but half way through i would have gladly paid a signwriter to do it. She sits on blocks on the dock just now so she is quite high .There was lots of grunts and moans and cursing and holding of breath.
The fellow boatyarders are very friendly and supportive and came round to see and compliment but did the very thankful thing of not watching while we were doing it.
And today it was the anti fouling. This for those that don't know and have no reason to know, is a paint like substance that is painted on to the bottom of the boats hull. It helps to repel barnacles and algae etc from attaching itself to the boat. Too much of these lifeforms impedes the boats progress through the water add a lot of weight and can cause vibration through the propellor.
So now she has a black bottom and a white top with gold lettering..
Not bad , i think.Starting to look a younger prettier lady.
We thought we would try the chips, so we walked down to the promanade. Walton is a town of two halves , Quiet ,locals  going about thier business ,people working etc. then you go a short walk down the street and there is the seafront with amusement arcades shops with beach balls and buckets and spades. Ice cream and chipshops. It is saturday and loads of people from london have arrived for the weekend. It is so busy.
We had our chips and i suppose most people would say this. They weren't the same as home. Plenty of them though and a huge piece of fish. Wandered back to the boatyard and was glad of the peace
I got lost today, sent to get supplies, needed to find a paint shop went round and round next thing i am in a cul de sac. With not a clue as how to get back. Eventually using the same tack that got me lost in the first place and it worked.
later i decided to walk the cat, well one of them anyway. These two cats have lived blissfully on a farm for ten years.And now thanks to us they are in a boat in aboatyard miles and miles from home
This will help you understand Toms reaction when i put his lead on and thought with the heat he would enjoy some fresh air.
We got down the ladder, YEA and across from the boatyard to hide behind a shipping container. So far so good. Hid behind a small thistle, i relaxed, big mistake.One of the Steves [there are five in the yard] came round on a bicycle. NOOOO.Cat panics starts to run ,grab cat Phew. Bit of a wriggle but with a bit of stroking calming down. Incident witnessed by another Steve who liking cats came over to say hello. Well that was it, How dare someone he doesnt know speak to him.. Then we had a miaowing clawing squirming  ball of fur.He was getting on that boat whatever happened. "DADDY".
How i got up the ladder i dont know. Managed to stop him doing leaps of death but only by letting him imbed his claws deep into my skin.Mark at the top trying to grab him , me trying to unhook claws. Lead of and tom flew through the boat right to the very bow and welded himself there for a good hour.
He will have to learn and it is going to be so slowly. It is now 9pm and he has finally forgiven me.
there was one good thing , he was so busy panicky he wasn't bothered about having his lead on anymore. YEA
Our trip to the French canals has been more complicated than we thought but we are getting it to gether,  Hope you are interested. I will jibber on and even though we do plan things they rarely ever run smoothly. maybe you will get a laugh  and a giggle and that is all i ever want for people , just to have a laugh. So goodnight and thankyou for reading this. When Mark has an easier day i shall ask him to show me how to transfer pictures onto it but it wont be tonight.
living on a boat is great by the way , so if you are struggling to buy a house. well look into boats you might be pleasently surprised.


  1. Haha, I guess walking the poodles isn't so difficult considering how wild walking Tom sounds!


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