bicycle pumps

We had a plan for today,but it didn't go the way it was planned.
We were going to go and visit the Naze tower. Go down to the beach and hopefully find some shark teeth , prehistoric that is.
But Mark had a flat tyre, and the pump he could find did not fit. It was okay "there is another one, now where is it "This is for the bicycle by the way as we were braving the traffic and heading out on the bikes.
Where is it , are the words i am starting to dread. Trying to remember where everything is in LAL is hellish.he thought it was in the sail locker right at the furthest away part.Sooo me being abit skinny decended in to the depths of the boat and eventually got the bag he thought the pump was in out.
It wasn't. Well it just wasn't going to be that easy.We both knew it but just hoped that just for once, something would  be where we thought it was. So the boat was slowly and methodically searched by me and then again maybe not so methodically searched by mark with me going behind him putting things back.
We never did find it but Mark being the ingenious man he is and asking everyone in the boatyard with no success , made the one we had fit. . I had sort of given up and was going to buy one on monday.
As i have said Mark has a mountain bike and i have an old foldie. And today my bum found out the difference. Suspension, he has it and i don't. The roads down here are busy and narrow, so we were being pushed by cars right into the side. Where all the drain covers are and manholes and just for no reason holes, little ones big ones, but lots.. Being behind him i watched with growing envy , Mark bounce happily over each one. While with every one i crossed , my spine slowly but surely was clawing its way up through my neck and out of my body..My poor bike was casting small pieces of various things at every bump..
There was a hill .I miss hills , there are so few here. this was a steep long hill , so i took a run up . I only have two gears 2nd and 3rd. there was a car coming down and when i looked in my mirror there was a car coming behind me. I thought the one behind would stop as there wasn't room to overtake me. He didn't and the other kept coming.. So to stop being squished i pulled over onto the pavement and stopped.
Yes i miss hills but that bugger just about killed me and i didn't make it to the top, having to get of and push. There was a few hand signals to the car that made me lose my run up.
Most of these cars are tourists as it was a sunday and the locals are lovely with bikes..
We got there and it is a lovely place . We followed a grass path and came to the beach . Spent a lovely couple of hours beachcombing.Talked to alot of visitors . From all over America Spain.etc.
Walton was very important in world war 11.Pill boxes and gun stanchions are everywhere and because of coastal erosion , litter the beach..We had went to the far end and walked back along to the tower, only to find the tide had come over the steps. So it was shoes off and bikes on shoulders and we went a paddle.
Up more really steep steps and to the tower. Mark stayed with the bikes [ cos he was knackered] and i went up. WOW. It is an art gallery and tearoom. Each floor having a different artist. All very good and all very different. The view from the top was amazing and the coffee from the bottom was well needed and lovely.
The way back home was easy didnt have to pedal at all. Had a great day.
 So it was worth all the searching for the pump but i shall be buying one tomorrow and put it on the bike. A day off from all the boat work, well it was sunday..


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