Hi. Had a great day . Loads of pressies and well wishes.Had a good lazy dayish. We may have a buyer and i say may,for Monty my disco. So out came the wax. I washed him yesterday with my shampoo because i had no car shampoo , and i wasn't using fairy liquid cos os the nasty saly in it. Mind you abit of extra salt probably wouldn't make much difference as he has a few blotches already but its the principle. So i have almost finished . Mark came round and said " do you want chippy chips for tea " Well the cloth was down in seconds so of we went and then back at LAL he presented me with Logan DVD. My friend had watched this in the cinema and ended up inconsolable so i had my doubts if i would like it but it was good . Don't want to spoil the plot ,but its really really sad. So get the tissues ready.So i shall finish waxing using boat wax tomorrow . Totally knackered.

This is one of our cats and me looking spooky. Patch had a bad eye injury when she was a kitten and after months of trying to save the eye , it was decided to take it out. It had gone anyway but was so swollen still looked like it was there. She ended up being a bit runty, just because of the stress. But she is a sweet wee thing and has done well on the lead. Her brother Tom looks like a racoon when he is walking with the tail and head down , skulking rather than walking. they do want to walk and as soon as it starts getting dark we are miaowed at untill 10pm when they get there walk.
this can be very annoying and i am finding myself trying to have a reasoning conversation with him. he dutilly looks at me while i am telling him that its not ten oclock and its quieter then and he will enjoy it better. Waits till i am finished talking and then continues his incessant wailing and pacing.
Patch just sits looks at her brother with a bemused look, probably wondering if she should do it too, and waits till her lead is brought down..
well night night speak to you all tomorrow and thanks for the support.


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