boats bikes and cats

 Just incase you are wondering , yes that is a bloody big boat  hanging in the air, suspended by only a couple of straps. We watched this lift last night.I now have no worries when it is LAL's turn to be lifted in..The Bedwell team made it look so easy , when it is certainly not .It is a beautiful big one recently restored but having problems with her hull, so out for some work.
The cat is called Tom, we have two. Patch is this ones sister and has only one eye, having lost her eye when she was a kitten. Tom is coping but not as happy as patch.Missing wandering around his old steading. Tom is a big proud cat. We are taking them out at dusk on leads to have a wander. If you have been following this blog , then this is the culprit who tried to gut me on the way up a ladder, just cos someone said hi and a bicycle passed by. The scratches have almost healed up and we have solved the problem by letting him climb the ladder himself..
This is my new bike. I am not in to bikes , prefering things with engines . But i hate walking more than bikes and buses are just horrible. Its a foldie really old [ so no change there then ]abit rough [ again no change ].. It will get a quick clean and polish but i didn't want a shiney one incase it grew legs and walked.. It only has 2 gears haveing lost one somewhere. i am not good with 15 geared bikes as i tend to break them really quickly and have never really seen the use for so many gears.
And above all it was cheap. It has had a gel seat cover fitted and mark fixed the seat as it flipped up when i went over a bump. Now i know men suffer when damaged in this sensitive area but so do women.. Lucky there was a tree near by to collapse behind till it subsided.
To be honest i wasn't sure about it but when the old gentleman selling it asked me what it was for and i told him about the french trip and how Mark had a mountain bike and i needed one . He then suggested i get my husband to look it over first. Well my hackles went up and i politely told him that it's a bicycle and i can choose my own bicyle without needing the help of a man . I want it and i will pick it up Friday. After leaving the shop , i think i may have been the victim of abit of reverse Pshycology.
I cannot complain , when i went to pick it up he had fixed the brakes and put some little lights on it as the dynmo wasn't working. He said he wanted me to be safe in France.Sweet. I think it might need abit more than battery lights to keep me safe in France  but it is the thought that counts. .
I went to Frinton again today and yea got it , and a mirror for my bike a chain lock and some chrome cleaner. . My legs are not used to cycling and are abit sore. the car drivers here are really nice and leave plenty of space when passing and slow down , so my first proper trip on the foldie went ok.
Mark has spent the day fixing deck fittings and rubbing the deck down masking and then painting the anti slip. He has done a great job and the boat looks 30 years younger. I will do a before and after picture of the boat, as he has been working on it so long now he has forgotton the difference but i will wait till he has finished. And then he can see just how much better she looks and more importantly how much safer she is.
we are hoping to go to Naze tower tomorrow, and have a look on the beach below it . There is supposed to be fossilised sharks teeth just lieng about. But the locals have said it has now been pretty much picked clean , we shall see. So goodnight and it is Saturday so have fun.


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