Hi everybody, just some photos today. The top photo is a junk.This is a type of boat. Most people will know it if i say it has a lot of wooden spars in the sails.This boat is amazing because a man named John has spent the last20 years building it himself. The masts are douglas fir and he made them his self pretty much by hand. The front mast is slightly tilted forward and is ment to be like that as it makes the boat easier to sail by one person.. I am hoping to get a photo of John when he comes toput it in the water this week.He is a lovely man and instantly likeable.
Photo no 2
This is the tide out and in the front of the picture is our mast getting sorted to put on the boat.
Photo no 3
Monty has a bedmate tonight . Thought Hamish my nephew and Angus would like this. It is an original volkswagon beach buggy.. I could just see that bolting up to the farm na bother.
Photo no 4
This is one of the ponds, with the club in the background. It's called the pond because the sea fills it at high tide and then a big sluice gate comes up and seals the water in when the tide goes out.It does mean you can only get your boat in and out at high tide. This is probably where LAL will go till we are ready to leave for France
 Well thats it for tonight , we will be going out to walk the cats and then back into the boat for bed. Bit knackered today. the sailing has found muscles i didn't know i had . Still suffering abit from motion sickness. Which is the feeling that everything is moving when it isn't, I appear to have gained my sea legs at the cost of my land legs. Being eaten from top to bottom by something in the mud has had. me scratching day and night. The anti histimines are helping.They just gon't last long enough.
so goodnight and sleep tight and have a thought for me as the bugs bite.xx.


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