inside my boat

 The top picture is me on a bike ride . Felixstowe is in the background. It is really impressive at night time as we can see it from our boatyard. We shall be sailing quite close to it as we leave the river Twizzle.. We cycled/walked from the Naze tower to the mouth of the Twizzle and on our approach to the tower were amazed to see loads of kites. This snake was at least 60ft long and was up all day.
Then we have The gold stripe. [cove line ]Look at it just a tiny little stripe. What a faff paint gloopy masking tape awkward to follow the lines slight curve with and then decided to try and weld itself to the boat.Up and down and shifting of planks on very old and very heavy water tanks. Who needs step aerobics. 3 bloody coats ,3 honestly i thought it was going to break me. but now you have the picture and can see what all the fuss and stress was about. Bit pathetic isn't it.
Then we have pictures of the inside of the boat. I did the pictures and they dont show just how roomy for her size LAL is, but i have to admit the kitchen is a struggle. A degree in gymnastics is required to use the sink and seeing as we are on shore power and water and not using our tanks. We are using the kettle and the basin on top of the engine cover to do the dishes.
These photos are for my mum by the way as i know she will be curious because she didn't get to see inside the boat and uncle T and Auntie B.and my sister if she ever decides to look at my blog.
Cooking is fine but it is best if Mark stays sat at the table. i have noticed we have unknowingly adopted a one at a time theology when it comes to washing of dishes , brushing of teeth, making of tea etc.He makes his lunch then i make mine etc. It does work really well in this type of space.And has saved many arguements.
I should say Mark does most of the cooking and when he does i stay sat at the table.He is far better at cooking than i am and so for our survival it is best left to him .I always cook to much and can never think of what to have and then can't seem to keep the concentration required in the execution of said meal .. He is far better at it and cooks good nutritional meals , whereas i bung stuff together and reheat normally looking like crap and occasionally tasting like it too. I can bake and when i brave the new gas cookers oven i shall let you know of the results..
The living space is lovely but the table is our sort of office / eating area / is always amess and it took some shuffling to make it clean enough to photograph. The boat designers were very optomistic to say it sleeps 6, unless you are very short and skinny, well its 5 now as a previous owner adapted the 6th berth to a sail locker.and cupboard. This cupboard is Marks cupboard of doom as he keeps his tools there and sod's law everything has to come out to get the one thing he needs.
                                     THE BED

The bed is hillarious It is in the bow which means it goes to a point. It is a good job i am smaller than my other it takes  some twisting of limbs to get in and  out .We are a close couple and that is really good because we are getting views of each others  body parts that i will let you imagine for yourselves .But if you are one of those couples that get undressed in the dark then a bow bed is not for you. Much banging of elbows and heads and wedging of toes in to edges of wardrobe to get the leverage to spin over the top of mark when i get up for a pee , has me in histerics .Doing all this and then stepping on the squeaky floor section and then Mark waking up and going " whats wrong "well that has me speechless.
Somewhere out there will be a person that has this down Pat and if they do could they please put it on the net, for us poor sods who are learning the hard way.
Well thats about it for the now, Life is good and we are enjoying ourselves , getting on really well even in this restricted space and it isn't because we are on our best behaviour . i think it is just because we are doing this together because we want to.
Oh yes and tomorrow i am going on a beginners sailing course.My ditzy blonde side will come out . Ropes [sheets] will confuse me and its a dingy so i will get wet, which i dont like,I am on the course with another girl also called Karen so confusion will be there from the start. And i am dreading it.
But Marks patience with me tends to be short lived , somethings i understand straight away other things ,if i dont understand how it works then i don't get it and it can take a few times before i have got it. Mark always thinks i can get it straight away and gets annoyed at me  and then i get stressed  dont ask again and still dont understand and the vicious circle goes on.
I find it far better with strangers. I don't mind them thinking i am thick i just don't like Mark thinking i am stupid. So we shall see. I haven't said to the boatyarders as i know they will all be watching me and that will definately make me do a balls up
                              So wish me luck , because i know i have to get the hang of this sailing thing. And I want to because i know if i understand it and " GET" it i will thoroughly enjoy the surge of power as the wind takes up the sail and powers us through the water , using no engine , no bad diesel, just nature.  I also know and i am not being big headed , i just know myself  . I will be bloody good at it..


  1. Great pictures, Mum and Rosie have seen them, never made one comment about clutter, (honest) just how good you both have it looking, . Rosie can read your blog but her computer is not letting her comment, but she will try again. Best of luck with your sailing lessons, hope the water is not too cold, are you taking Captain Patch and 1st. Mate one eyed Tom along for the experience?
    Hope Mark gets some photos.


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