Money spent but not as much as could have been

                    Just a ramble today,

Today we spent alot of money ahhhhh. There is no point moaning about it as it was stuff we needed. The most expensive thing was the VHF radio with GPS and a special DSC button for use in emergencys. Sort of idiot help me button. { i think that is why Mark got it ,  incase i had to use it ]
I would like to argue and say i am not an idiot , but i would have to agree that in times of stress [man over board ] i possibly with my anti tech syndrome be an idiot and therefore i am glad that the big red button is there. It even has a flap you have to lift.which makes it even more irrisistable. So i am just not looking at that corner of the boat.
Mark will have to show me how to use it. YIPPEE great can't wait , oh what fun. If you haven't guessed i am being sarky. A specific genetic trait in all scottish people , that non scottish people can sometimes  misinterpretate as being a grumpy bastard.. There is a fine line between the sarky and the actual grumpy bastard , which scot's can see straight away and so we live blissfully being sarky and sharp witted while the rest of the nation thinks we are a load of grumpy bastards.
I have had to watch what i say down here and put in the appropriate " I am being sarky, and then say that that is the funny sort of humour scot's have and it actually means the one being sarky likes the one he or she is being sarky to and is being nice..
another thing i have come across that i am haveing to get used to is , when in Scotland someone asks you how you are when they meet you or are passing in the street, you automatically go " fine and you" and they go "fine " and normally say something about the weather. Well here you say hello and they go "how are you" and you go "fine you " they then proceed to have a full conversation about the weather their state of health where they are going at the weekend , ask where you are going at the weekend.What you are about to do.etc Now the first time this happened to me i was abit stunned and flumfed my words and had to apologise .Which they replied " neva you mind daalin, you awwhite , just moved down , awww ahhs love Scotland awl them big hills and stuff.You be finding it abit different."
Now after the initial shock , i have to say they all do it and its lovely. Everybody smiles  say's hello and expects you to pat their dog. as in all places there is the nutter in the mobility scooter ,and the hoody and we even have of a night motorbikes and suped up cars going up and down the seafront but the people genuinely care for each other. Something i am sad to say is disappearing in Stranraer and i know the people in Stranraer are stressed and busy but they are here too but maybe abit less because they take a minute to chat. Just a thought.
I have strayed . The spending of money is what i was talking about . We also made a purchase of a radar for the mast and fender ropes and pulley's etc.and were told of a One man in his garage set up. He was good. Heron Yacht services in Brightlingsea. Many years ago he used to do boat jumbles all over the country and was a regular visitor to Stranraer to go over to Ireland. Liked the place but the lorries coming of the boat scared him he would let them pass.. we got a lot from him but had to go to Fox supplies at Ipswich marina for the radio and radar. Now i saw some really posh yachts there..
I shall not be getting the traditional blu and white stripey jumper. I saw one and almost said away tae f--k £115 . for a JUMPER, jings and one that is going to get wet and covered in salt water phew. nearly had a heart attack..
we also spent money on a horseshoe floaty thing[ honestly i am getting the terms ] and  athing thats in a cage thing that you thro out to a person overboard and an aerial with a windvane for the mast .
This is now fitted thanks to the engineering and electrical skills of Zimbabwe Steve.
I feel i should mention that without the help of Richard the boatyard owner Brother Steve[ his brother] Zimbabwe Steve , Lifeboat Steve , Fran , Petra , Kevin , Junk John and others , i have not got there names yet, Oh yes and Aussie Jane from the club as well as Alec from the club. We would have found this venture we are undertaking alot more stressfull and daunting. They have helped physically and emotionally with down to earth sound advice and expertise. I must not forget Don't Panic Nigel.
He is doing up a lovely little fishing boat and we have watched it evolve from an ugly duckling to its now almost finished state even though he has been ill , he has always been cheery and helpful. There is just so many and they give their help so freely . I will be for ever grateful . .
That shall do for tonight or i shall waffle on for ages. so love to all and i hope you have good days and restful nights.


  1. Glad ur getting all the safety stuff now. Nice to know the people around u are so helpful.


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