
Hi everybody , I would like to introduce you to our pilot to be Petra. AKA Wonder woman. These photos depict a sequence in which i was just taking a photo of life boat Steve and Fran and she happened to appear. so i took the chance to photograph her.  She said she doesn't mind having her photo taken but she does like to be asked first. Now that i know what a rugby player sees when about to be tackled i shall and have been asking if people want their photo taken. as you can see  its quite a scaryplace to be infront of Petra in full charge.
I am not one for running as i tend to fall over or pee myself laughing or what mostly happens is both. So being the wee brave lassie i am and not wanting to embarass myself held my ground and it was Petra that veered off, after minimal contact.
Some people i take an instant liking to and i do her, even though she constantly takes the piss. but its not one sided and i am afraid that sometimes we even gang up and take the piss out of Mark...
She has been very helpful and i tend to ignore the lovely discription she has of our boat The tupperware box with the gold stripe.
She herself is dutch and owns a beautiful 60 ft dutch barge, that she has named after her mother..
She has her doubts as to whether we will be sucessful in our venture and can't quite believe that we have left everything behind to do it. But she does want us to succeed.
She would also rather wish we would start in Holland as she thinks it would be an easier start to our journey. Unfortuately we would then have to deal with belgium and they are being rather nouty about red diesel and duty paid. Fining sailors £500 s for having traces of red diesel in thier tank even though they have filled up with full duty paid white diesel. So it will be a no, or maybe not yet would be better.
She thinks i am a waif and won't be much use as a sailor apart for going up the mast to fix any problems. I have forgiven her this as many people do think of me as weak. And it won't take long to prove her wrong. Thats if i don't go soft with all this easy living.
My size has proven to be useful up till now as sail lockers in the cockpit are small and tight and guess what i can fit in them even when they are half full. So at least i know i won't be chucked overboard. she also has the sarky wit of the scottish and a dirty mind .
Oh yes she also insulted monty my disco  when i was polishing it , saying if you want to polish a turd its better to freeze it. so i shall leave  you to make up your own mind about her , but as i said i do like her and i don't give out my friendship flippantly as friends i have , i have them for life. Which is why i don't have many but the ones i have , i love dearly and would give my life for ..As it should be with true friendship. So goodnight and sweet dreams.


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