swimmers itch.

                  Today there shall be no photos, and you will be glad.
 I may have mentioned before that whilst learning to sail, i was being eaten. This eating has now ceased , thanks to the fact i am no longer up to my neck in water.
I am very proud of my daughter , Bethany. She has achieved a huge amount.A masters degree in zoology a wonderful partner who loves her dearly and is quite happily running her own life.
The benefits of a zoologist in the family are obvious. Countless wildlife species identified and explained. Proper scientific discussions and so on.
The downside to having a zoologist in the family is that when your husband facebooks her a photo of said bite marks . there will be a full explanation of what it is and how it live on , in , around you
  Now i am not squeemish, having spent a lifetime of howking in dead animals to get skulls, but this has a few shivers running down my spine,
  Swimmers Itch,
                            Caused by parasites from birds etc . They settle in mud in marshy areas , fresh or seawater. Now thankfully, i think. they can not survive on humans. They bite go under the skin and then die. your body itches them out.
 In one way my skin is crawling and in  another i am wishing i knew sooner and had a microscope so i could take some skin scrapeings and have a look..
But all is well now. The intense itching has ceased and i am starting to heal. I shall keep these parasites in mind and not go in to any canal or pond or stagnant water area.
 What i would like to know is why my crewmate who was also in the water as much me and the kids all managed to avoid these little beasties. maybe they thought the very pale legs i have were big fat bird legs and they had won the lottery.
Aw well that 's it for tonight. goodnight farewell and untill the next time


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