Well in a couple of days , we will be off, All the way to Holland. So some pictures and memories. Bedwells has been great. Richard and Brother Steve are a brillant team and have been so very helpful. We would realy have been stuck without them. So if you you do have a boat near Walton . Then this is the place to store it fix it and have it on the pond.. The whole boatyard has a really warm family atmosphere.
 The whole of Walton is lovely and this shop was a godsend. It has everything i needed and lots i wanted but had to remember i am on a boat and couldn't fit it in. Really friendly staff..And his delivery vans are really special.
 Mark at the helm of Windotter. Just look at that smile.. The woman beside him is wonder woman Petra and the barge belongs to her friend Jane. Jane is an amazing person  and i really liked her from the first minute i met her. Full of get up and go and an infinite amount of patience.
 Yacht club and pond. We have been fed well and got clean in comfort at this lovely club. Another Jane has been so helpful and got us sorted out. We would have been running around senseless without her.She would like to try dinghy sailing but needs someone as bad as me at it to go with. If i had been here longer i would gladly of had another batch of lessons and that is saying something..
Uncle George and Auntie Wendy.. They came all the way from hailing island to come and see us . it was great to see some family
  Got to see a little bit of the tornado. Walton had a great day of steam.This was also the day we lost tom because the fireworks scared him. He found sanctuary in bedwells shed and was retrieved after a sleepless night safe and sound.  Walton really does like fireworks and is always having them.
 Lifeboat Steve and Fran standing in front of the life boat. Its almost finished on the outside and hopefully will be in the water next spring. It is a bloody big boat and Steve has done a great job rebuilding it
AHHHH Petra I learned that if you want to take a photo , it is always best to ask. I also learned i am braver than i thought and that Petra can look really scary, but not very often.This woman has been wonderful . Her advice and friendship have been precious and even though we are going off  , i will always have her as a friend . as long as she will have me. She is one of the good people that are so rare these days. Always thinking of others .And her endless patience with us naive numpties has been amazing. She has taught me so much and i shall be forever gratefull. Her boat building skills are great. Her Barge is fantastic and i want it. And oh my god her driving. Well if Colin Mc rae was still around she would be giving him a run for his money.. One day we shall have to have a race. Her in her honda and me in my impreza. I do get a sneeky suspicion that she will win but its all in the taking part isn't it..I will think i have won if i can keep up.She has a crazy dog that barks at everything loves cuddles and like to eat his dinner in company.. She can weld and grind and do bloody well nearly everything . But she doesn't boast , she just gets on with it. She has saved our bacon more than once and it is really down to her knowledge help and skill , that we are getting away this year at all. So for the great wonder woman that is Petra . Hip Hip Hooray Hip Hip Hooray Hip Hip Hooray. We are soooooo going to miss you not for all your skills or even your daft dog but because you are a lovely person and a friend. Take care and we shall meet again and i obviously mean after you have taken us to Holland .because i know we shall see you tomorrow and on thursday .

Dinghys well they exist and look lovely darting about , but sometimes a person knows there limitations and mine is staying at looking at rather than getting on them . Walton and Frinton Yacht club has great instructors and plenty of lovely dinghys . So if you fancy a lesson go for it .Even if it isn't for you , you will have a great time finding that out.
LAL as she used to be and Petra would still prefer her to be. She is white now and i think looking good . Lived in and loved , Though maybe not as much as normal today , because i washed all the bedding and had to get duvet covers back on and in the bow bed . Not easy Not funny and today because of the heat  bloody knackering. Its done , it doesnt look pretty but i don't care. Mark and i have a little saying . Its when we keep bumping in to bits of the boat. We call them little LALbumps. She like you to know she is there. Today i really know she is there and she can please stop telling me as i may end up looking like a smurf with all the bruises ..

I hope the people that have helped us so much realise just how much we appreciate them. They are all our little Walton family. Richard Brother [ sexy legs ] Steve, Petra Jane from the club and Alec from the club Concrete Steve and his lovely family . Zimbabwe [ epoxy ] Steve , Coreen and Fran , Lifeboat Steve, Nigel his wife and his lovely whippet and giant snautzer. Mr camper man [ sorry i didn't get your name] Petras friend Jane  Kevin  with his lovely daft springer and cuddley Tony who explained buckies to me  and how to cook them properly.There will be more like the staff at Tescos and Johnstone bicycle shop , where i got my little foldy and have been great. The post lad at the coop ..
If anyone thinks about a seaside holiday in Britain , then please think of Walton on the Naze and Frinton . They are not as noisy  as Clacton and have a lovely friendly atmosphere. Beautiful archetecture.plenty of stuff to do with the kids and even in the rain .Its a good place with good people.. And a place i will very much like to visit again Love to you all .


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