Petra guiding Mark guiding the sails.YEA ! ! They are on. The original mainsail is not great but Petra has said measure it and look for a second hand one. Ours is fine just has lost abit of shape at the bottom and seems to be a bit small. The red jibsail is not the original but far better. We do have the original again abit dinky.

 We had a really good day for it , light winds  and not to warm. One more thing ticked off the list

 WHOS A PRETTY GIRL , LAL IS ARENT YOU GIRL. Funny thing to say but it feels like she was having a good time to .

It seemed a shame but we had to tuck them up again , all nice and neat under the sail cover.

Petra is happy to pilot us across with these sails so they must be ok.
 Mark had the engine going again as we are going out tomorrow motoring up the channel and back to give the engine a test. There was some anxiety as she started letting out diesel in to the water and is a bit smokey. It cleared up after  a moment and all thought it is just cos  she hasnt run for a while and tomorrow will do her good.

        The  Bow Plate
nearly there a full day of buffing and polishing and buffing but a way to go yet She has armour on her nose now. Hopefully it will help to keep canal boats from getting tooo close to us. I wanted a spike on the front but apparently thats a bit threatening and anti social.
Not bad is it , very impressive all done on the side of the pond with a borrowed welder and grinder , a landrover and a bottle jack. Oh yes and a hammer And the best of a man.


  1. What a feat of engineering, Lal looks beautiful , hope all goes well with you sailing trials
    Keep calm and carry on


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