This was us last week going for a sail.Richard the boat yard owner kindly took a photo of us. It is something very hard to do is get a picture of your own boat sailing.
Still not sure about the red sail. Seems more appropriate on an old gaffer boat, but the only other one we had to fit was celtic green and it was definately not going on. Not that i am against football or celtic or any team , but my former boss was a celtic fanatic and the way my day went depended on what result and how well the game was played. Well and truely had enough of all that..

We are in here , third row in. I have at times forgotton where i parked my car in a car park. I now know that it may have been difficult to find my car , at least cars are different colours . You could be lost in here for hours. .
 Was taking to a guy and he realised i was scottish so he told me to go and hunt this beauty down. She has been just about been done up and is all the way from Stornoway. Once a fishing boat now destined for a liveaboard. At least the retirement will be a peaceful one.

People down here all have more than one boat.And i can't help it but this one has got my attention. It just looks so happy and eager . Like a dolphin . Its called Sea Dream in need of some work rigging looks abit naff and woodwork on her needs attention  but please someone buy her . Look at the money . Its nothing for this wee lassie. Save me from myself. If she spends much more time on land she will need lots done. Get her now and have a nice wee project done up and ready for the water next spring.She is sitting at Titchmarsh , go on you know you want to. Just have a look .Pass the info on if you know someone who needs a boat. Lets all get her back where she belongs.

Go on go on go on. . If only i had the spare pennies . Mind you if i had spare pennies i would probably end up living here doing up boats. And we would never get our adventure on the go.

 This is the North Star. I like this one because we have the plastic top and bottom with some nice bits of wood. They sit really nice together and it looks a tough boat. I really love its bum , you just want to pat it. Makes me smile everytime i pass it.

This is the J B Rare Padstow.Again with the lovely bum. I think i shall maybe go around the rest of the Marina and see what others are about. It is rather a big marina so i may be some time. But it would be a shame to be here on our last day and miss a beauty. I shall wait till it stops pissing down. I really hope the weather does what it says for tomorrow and we have a nice gentle sail to Amsterdam. In person i witter when i am nervous and it seems i also witter on my blog. I beg your forgiveness but i am trying to distract my self abit. And looking at beautiful boats is as good a way as any. We are having one final Steak night at Walton and Frinton yacht club tonight and then tomorrow all hell will break loose and its goodbye Britain Hello Amsterdam. Beautiful barges here we come.


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