Hi everybody . I am now back in Walton on the Naze. I was worried about the ferry crossing from Hoek Van Holland to Harwich, mainly because i don't do well on ferries and i had the cats to worry about. Jan Pieter saved me a horrendous journey on public transport and got me to the ferry on time and the cats were fine and settled. Took  abit of getting used to seeing all the cars on the other side of the road driving and the roundabouts were abit odd.
We drove past the flood barrier at the ferry port. An amazing bit of engineering and beautiful too. I had a wee while to wait to check in and there was a sigh of relief when the pet passports went through ok. First time we have travelled with pets so was nervous that something would go wrong. . There was a worrying moment when the check in supervisor had to put the scanner over the cats backs to check for the chip. I knew they had them but had visions of 2 cats running riot through the terminal as it was done in the waiting area.
Cats were marvelous , stayed put and quiet.  It is a bloody long walk uphill from the terminal to the ship and i couldn't actually see the ferry so couldn't get a piccy. collapsed at the top and a kind man took Tom [ who weighs a tonne] to give me  a break. The kennels were great air conditioned which made them a bit noisy , but clean and plenty of bedding. Unfortunately the bars were abit wide and when i let the cats out of there carrier they walked straight through. Had to put them back but i was allowed to check on them as often as i wanted  and they were fine.
Now to the photos,
These guys i met at check in . Heard the accent  and said hi. They are the Black watch association of London.. Web site is blackwatch-london. A pipeband from London but scottish..They had been to , now i am probably spelling this wrong Arnhem.Where they had been playing the whole weekend..
It was nice to chill out with the gang and learn about them. Each and everyone of them was lovely and made me feel very welcome to their group.
You may notice that they are not the youngist bunch and there were other pipebands on board . these guys gave them a run for their money and even though they had done miles of marching and playing  looked like they could easily do another couple of days no bother . Some of the younger ones were looking abit worse for wear.
If a person offers you a drink is is often seen as abit rude to refuse . However if a Scots man offers you a 12 year old sherry casked single malt  Glen Gairloch . You would be down right stupid to refuse. . I am not a big drinker but i do like a single malt. . What a time we had the hours just flew by with top ups of whiskey and stories and thanks to Walter Mc Gregor One of the directors of the royal band organisation. Lovely scottish songs
here are the people i met and what they play . Apologies for names missed or titles mixed up. Blame the whisky Ian Samson snare drum
Maurice Steed snare drum
Ian Bowles piper
Tony Kelly pipe major
Charles Mackie pipe major
Thanks to you all . You looked after me so well i forgot i was on a ferry.
The chap in the picture with a walking stick is actually a Para and was dropped in to the South of France in the second world war.
There was a lot of Military on board  All a great bunch of guys and i will take the chance to wish them well tell them i am grateful and proud to have such great armed services protecting our country.
 I was in heaven surrounded by such great people and having a great time . So thanks to all and i shall think of you often . .Keep the pipes and drums going  . Gets the heart going a good band . One day i hope i will get the chance to hear them play.
Got off and Wonderful Petra met me . I was slightly tipsy and  she  escorted me rally style home . What a fantastic day it turned out to be.
Cats are hiding in Petras barge at the moment but it won't be long till Petra makes the trip and brings Mark and Lal home .
There is some people in this world that never get the thanks they deserve but are still good people and continue to be good people even with out this thanks. Well i am so very grateful to Petra and will be  for the rest of my life. One day i hope to be able to do the same for her ..Thanks wonderwoman.


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