guess what , you got it piss wat day again.
This is in Dordrect. Not a good piccy sorry , Very beautiful. And Dordrect seems very nice , but we were waiting on a bridge with a time so no chance to go explore.
It has been not nice this past few days Affects of Storm Aileen are still very much happening , We had a break in the weather today and made a dash for it.
However the weather got bad quick and the first Marina we had on our plan if things got worse was really only for small boats and very exposed. We weren't even sure if it had the depth we needed. So we motored on and got here Wvs Zwijndrect. Wet tired and not much further on. Little Lal is safely tucked up but if we get a break in the weather we shall move her further in to the marina to get abit more protection from the weather.
Was talking to a Netherland sailor on one of the yachts and he had a really bad time of it stuck out in the worst of the storm because the marina at Rotterdam where he planned to hole up was full. We all made a dash for the next bridge and made that in plenty of time and continued Swan lake in yachts .That was when we decided next marina ,we are in. .To be shite today and tomorrow. This Marina has a new way of paying. You pay 51 euros for a deposit on a key which allows you out of the marina to use the shower. Then they just deduct your nights fee when you hand in the key. DON'T LOSE THE KEY..
Mark went straight for a shower . Bad news is its a push button one and i havent had much luck with these .trying to find the button with soap in your eyes and pressing the button every ten seconds is just infuriating and my best galloway irish swearing comes out at this point. I was so pissed of at the last one i looked at the shower and threatened it with the words " wul you no dae that " more of a growl than words, I don't know what i expected and i think it was my imagination but i may have got afew extra seconds . The good news which i am dieing to try is they have heated floors in the showers. and a bench . I am finding alot of comfort in small things on this trip and being able to sit down and dry your feet before putting your socks on and not get the end of your clean trousers socked trying to put them on standing up is a beautiful blessing.
I have learned so much from this adventure. We may like to be surrounded by lots of things and even feel hard done by if we don't get to .Lots can be done without and there is a relief in not having to maintain and look after millions of little things. Posh stuff is not always useful stuff and the simplist thing like a hairband can be used to tie back a door , hold down a lamp to its shelf or even miracuously tie back your hair. That pleasure can be taken from finding a good shower or a cheap washing machine.or getting the mooring rope on the cleat first time.And even whilst circling each other waiting on a bridge a conversation can be struck up with a stranger, but in a similar situation as you and have a good moan about the weather.
Your doing fine, learning as you go xxx