Hi this was us on our way to Hellevoetsluis.
Now i may have went on about mooring places being scarce. Now can you see what i mean. If anything happens to our engine we are buggered.
The animals in the Netherlands look always content non more so than these cows in the wood,
We saw Buzzards and Brent geese , canada geese , graylag comerants and shags on our way down. Grebes , many many grebes.
 Big water or just the start of it. It got quite choppy later.
 Lal at Hellevoetsluis . We had moored up in a nother Marina but couldn't find  anybody and the mooring system was wierd . The poles again and metal hooks with ropes along the length of the boats both sides from the poles to the main pontoon.. Most of the boats had springs amongst the ropes .
We decided against it and more sleepless nights that these type of mooring systems give us. Finger pontoons are really alot better.
There are umpteen Marinas here and it is often hard to tell which one you are in as they all join
together with just little signs saying they are different.
We found a place for the now that is near a sluice. But it has power and water. Supposed to have free wifi but doesnt .Something fellow travellers will find out . Many of these places say they have it but don't or the signal is so weak you can't use it.
This is our neighbour. I waved he waved i waved again he got pissed of i took a photo he waved i waved he laughed and we left it at that.. There is

church here with the beautiful tinkley bells and i was quite surprised to here while getting some sun waiting on mark coming back from the harbour master, them playing What shall we do with the drunken sailor.. They also played some other songs as well but i thought that was just great and quite appropriate for the area we are in.

 I had an arguement with Mark over this . He says this 3 master is not a dutch barge because it doesnt have the rounded front , but i say it still might be because it has the cabin shape and the leeboards. Maybe it is a bit of both. We were hungry as it had been a busy barge avoiding day so went to look for food.
Found a dominos and it did gluten free pizza yea.. We sat down and i shared mine with these wee cheeky chappys.I have to say these jackdaws are abit more prettier than ours with a shinier plumage. They got really close .  I do love jackdaws they actually look like they understand what you are saying and can read what you are thinking. I always say hello to a jackdaw what ever country i am in.Just to be polite. Jack daw means Jack the silly fellow.. So it is always goodmorning Jack.

This may be a little thing to bring up , but it makes me smile everytime i see it. In Britain most of our processed veg is in cans, Apart from pickles , onions beetroot dill cucumbers etc.
Here everything is in jars . Only maybe tinned tomatos are in cans and the canned goods are more expensive.
Netherlands way is definately better in one way. You really want to eat them because you can see them . Our canned stuff always looks so depressing when you open it. I think they must recycle more glass here and i just know i would have at least one broken jar by the time i got home . But it does look lovely and far more appetising and it must be better that it isnt up against ,even if they are lined a can. It is really nice here and very busy . We are here for a few days and we are going to enjoy it.Still on the perpetual hunt for dairy milk chocolate.
i had for the first time ever and its because my daughter had them while she stayed in Germany for a year      STROOP WAFELS . Oh My God. Heaven in a packet..Very sweet and very filling. Why arent these in shops in Britain..So the dutch are lovely the country is beautiful , they have the nicest church bells i have heard and  now stroop wafels couldn't get much better.. And today there was sun. and heat and we found abit with no wind and just let our bones soak it all in..


  1. When you get a postal address for you, we will swap you some dairy milk for some Stroop Wafels


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