Hi as many of you may have noticed , i have been a bit sparse on the blogs of late. Well this is because we have not doing anything adventurous , but trying to find jobs and get the boat in order..
Considering this time last year i was doing an 8 to 5 job living in a country cottage with ducks and chickens .I feel my life still is abit adventurous even if its just a boat in a pond in Walton..
Made these to sell at carboots. These ones are artificial and i am used to making the real ones , but trying to organise moss, wires stabbing wires etc.while living on a boat was going to mean a messy wet run up to christmas.
So this is better and we don't have the ecosystem of bugs and beasties that come with moss , taking up residence in the boat.
I used to have a little friend back at Ardwell ,where we made the wreaths. A little robin  , i called stompy. He was my friend all year round but would pretty much stay in the shed with me , the whole time i made the wreaths.
Funny wee thing , stomping about on top of my ring that i was working on , getting ll the bugs.

I never tried to pet him or pick him up and he would get really close , standing on my hand and i would be sung to . Always cheered me up. This year was different  , he would normally bugger of in the spring , chicks and things i presumed. But this year  he would meet me at my car at tea break and stomp up and down . Then he just came right in my car one day and took a big chunk of my muffin and flew off with it. Every day he would come stomp , i would open the door and in he would come . It had to be muffin too ,Nothing else would be touched . Ended up haveing to put "stompys muffin" on the shopping list He did have chicks and would come to the car with a mouthful of bugs  grab a bit of muffin and fly off. I know , i know cake is not good for birds , but it wasn't alot and well i never really gave it to him , he just took it..
I shall be going up to Ardwell and shall see how my little stompy is doing.this winter. It was funny , i was actually really sad to be leaving stompy and have really missed him . He is such a tenacious wee thing constantly fighting of his rivals and always around my feet or on the barrow . It was like i always had a pal working with me and he would sing and i would talk to him , so i never felt lonely at work.
So not much of a blog , but i hope everyone is fine and i shall keep blogging but only when i have done something to blog about..


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