Blog 2

Blog 2
This is also part of the Mayflower heritage centre
Now i tried to get the photo of the man responsible for this collection at the top of the page .But the site was not in a cooperating mood.
Bob has collected this whole collection himself over many years and has now finally got a brilliant place to show it all of to the public.
Harwich station.
It was at one time a very busy station , bringing passengers from all over to go all over europe on the ferry. All these beautiful posters are the real thing and show beautiful pictures of beautiful places .
With support from dedicated people . This exhibit will be brilliant when its ready. The whole station is a recreation of past times and it does feel like you are stepping in to a different time.
Ash from the Mayflower project has been doing alot of work here . Using his carpentry skills to bring these exhibits together. Every item here is genuine and Bob has collected them over many years working on and with trains.
I did manage to not jump when i walked through the door and this guy was standing there . The manaquins are rather real looking.
Down below is the main man himself , usuing the benefits of modern technology to organise what needs organised and the computer looked very out of place. There is going to be a cafe and a video display., for the public to see. Work is progressing  and hopefully it will be open soonish.
I had a really good time talking to the people involved with this project and loved the impromtu tour we got. It was really nice to see these projects at this stage as normally i only get to see them when the works all done and it is amazing just how much is involved to get these things of the ground .So a big thankyou to everyone and every success for the future. I haven't seen alot of Harwich as yet but it is definately a nice place with lots of history and still plays an important part of todays world. I hope to get back sometime and have a good look especially at its docks..
Goodnight everybody and sleep well.


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