I have been reading that livaboards don't really document their day to day lives. And that living in a marina is not really being a livaboard.
Many will be out there disagreeing with the last statement, including me.
It doesnt matter whether you are living alongside a canal or living in a marina or many different marinas. As long as you are living on your boat full time then surely you are a livaboard.

Living on Lal is so very different to the way we used to live. but in many ways still the same.
Which is probably why many livaboards don't document  The boat is their house and not many people in houses document it either.
I really still enjoy my boat life but i do some times miss the house. I miss having the space to have appliances like tumble dryers and washing machines and fridges.. I can still do my washing and machines are available , but remembering everything to take is a nightmare . Its not a case of  opening the cupboard under the sink.Hanging around till the wash is done , carting it all the way back and hanging it on the washing line. I am not whining , i am just saying things that are so simple can be taken for granted . I have lovely neighbours and i had back when we had a house but they were a lot further away. So it is nice to say goodmorning to people as i didn't really get the chance  before.
So a marina , a canal a bay or beach, well i consider myself a livaboard just because we are on our boat and in a community.
I just feel lucky that we have this oppurtunity , and really enjoy living in such a nice place . It has been great watching all the workings of Bedwells , there is always something been done. And the people here are just great. Chores still have to be done and jobs etc but it still feels a world away from our old life .


  1. If it feels like home It is your home, and you have obviously made it your home. Well done, keep afloat and don't panic xxx


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