Well christmas is coming , And as every year [ though this year i thought it would be the boat ]My car is tinseled > I know , its abit silly but it does make people smile and cheer them up. This makes me happy and i have no problem dealing with all the laughter and pointing.
Plus kids love it and the one year i didn't do it , i had some disappointed  children in the area. Its abit sparse looking at the photo but more can be added later HaHa , { evil laugh as Mark hates me doing this and really hates driving it ]

Top photo Hamish one of my lovely nephews from my sister. Always doing something . Lovely young lad and proud of him and his brother Angus [ who i will camera catch at some point.
Bottom  photo in her parlour gear [ milking  that is] is my wonderful sis Rosie.
Sporting the new end of year , highly fashionable milking dungerees hat , to protect the hair from long drop cow pats. And a few delicately placed , normally by the cows tail coo poo splatters.
As you are putting milk in the tea or on the cornflakes , please remember what people like my Sister and brother in law go through.to bring your milk to you. So don't complain about the price . Its too damned cheap.
I have a sweet sis and to save me money at xmas , she has agreed to let me do house cleaning as a pressy. more photos will be forthcoming as i will be there at weekends.Also this weekend was my Uncle Andrews 80th birthday and thanks to his lovely daughters and their husbands , he was brought down to Stranraer for a wee trip. I got to visit them at  the holiday cottage they were staying at Aird school at Castle Kennedy . It was brilliant to see them all again and my Uncle Andrew was well into celebrating and looking not a day over 70.
Had a lovely get together
And to top it all off , my lovely man is up for a wee while.It is so good to see him again and it was perfect when this morning he fixed the lights in my car and then helped me rake leaves up. ahh sweet .It got alot done and the day went quicker , with the two of us working together. We do tend to take the piss out of each other but that make it all fun and games instead of work,
goodnight to all


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