dogs family and news of skiffs to come

Oh how much do i love this site, not alot, it seems to have a mind of its own . This being the perfect example . Not for love nor money could i get the curser to start at the top of the page.
Just a little blog today, hope you have all recovered from the festive period and are getting through the January blues.

Dogs are fickle things. Last week their owner took them on a long hike on the beach. They had a really good time . Scally had been swimming or at least lieing in the water and rolling in the kelp. She had brought a lot of the beach back with her, and deposited an admirable amount in the doggy room on her first shake. 
Both had that oh so lovely rotten seaweed smell and baths it had to be. Now you would think that warm soapy water would be preferable to stinky salty cold seawater. Apparently not , and a wrestleing match ensued with numerous escapes and me ending wetter than the dogs.
Feathers were trimmed though a couple of attempts at Scallys tail were needed as she insisted on being upside down in the grooming phase of the clean up.
3 hours later and two beautiful clean smelling dogs entered the living room and plonked themselves down in front of the fire , not to budge till bed time but Dotty to snore very loudly for the whole evening.

The  top photo is me trying to hoover their beds and normally if i specifically ask them to go to their beds , i might if lucky have them half on half off. But try and get them off so i could hoover was hysterical. Scally gave up quite early but Dotty hung on till the bed was almost vertical before giving up and grumbling at me till she sat on the doormat and humphed. { most dog owners will know the humph i am talking about, well dotty is very good at it} I cleaned and stacked the beds and hoovered where they sat Low and behold when i went to put them back , they were lieing on the stack. And would they get off again so i could put them back . NO.

The little fungus is elf cup i think. Found it at Kirkmadrine church, not one i have seen there before.

This is my daughter Bethany and her partner Tristan , with their dogs Honey and TreacleThey are apricot toy poodles and pure line pedigree if anyone is interested which is quite a rare thing now adays with all this stupid bung breeds of dogs together so we can have a type of dog with poo in the name so it sounds funny
The whole poodle family are fantastic dogs , loyal non shedding agile ,lovely temperments . Brilliant with kids and in no way in need of improvement so if you want a non shedding dog which is fun and loyal and in general an easy breed. Then get a poodle not a cross breed which has all the problems as well the good points of both breeds and you will probably find it cheaper as some people are charging silly money for labradoodles. Plus there are stringent regulations on the breeding of purebreeds . The amount of litters each bitch can have is 5. Unscrupulous breeders have the 5 legally and then start crossing the bitch with other breeds to extend the bitches breeding life. There is medical reasons for the health of the breeding bitch to have only 5 litters. God knows how many pups some of these crossbreeds mothers have had. Rant over.
We are at Ardwell bay with the dogs and having a great time. The poodles get on really well with the springers and have known them for a while. It was a lovely day and i have missed my daughter and Tristan as they live far a way, but an added bonus because if the adventure had been going to plan i wouldnt have seen them for a long long time yet .
 My sister Rosie has an ongoing problem of disappearing cups. Never mind how many she has the cup monsters come in steal the cups and leave them all over the farm, It is getting close to the monthly cup hunt which she goes on to retrieve cups and restore then to their natural habitat , ie the kitchen
Hamish Rosies son my nephew cup monster.
Angus , Rosies son my nephew and one of the cup monsters.  

Kirkmadrine church . South Rhinns Galloway.
The footings of this church are the oldest in Scotland.
Lairds buriel church for Ardwell estates. Lovely place and worth a visit. Was a playground for me when i was a kid.
 Right thats it for me , my patience with this site today is up. Apologies if it ends up a bit all over the place , it has a habit of doing that when its in this mood. Oh before i forget , i am hoping to see some skiffs being built on wednesday and am talking to some people, Stranraerwill have the honour of hosting the skiff championships in 2019. So i will pass on the info


  1. The dogs look like they are having a great time. It's lovely to see Bethany and Tristan and the poodles. Cups started to appear again this morning but I couldn't wash them cause we ran out of water. Try again tomorrow. X


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