plastic , more plastic and even more plastic

 Beach clean at Portlogan beach South rhinns.
well on the 18th we got together to clean plastic of another of our local beaches.
We started with a safety briefing , grabbed hoops and bags and set of.
These are the micro plastics you will have heard of.

 Bits of fishing nets , cottonbud straws , tooth brushes etc but mostly small pieces of unidentifiable plastic.
Picked up by the handful from under rocks.
We all made a determined effort and got a huge amount of and at least till the tide came back in , made a visible difference.

Cool licks and Hot drinks warmed us up with a free hot drink in the pouring rain. It gave us the strength to carry on.
it was a great show today as about 26 people turned up with most staying for a couple of hours even in the rain.
A huge fishing net was lifted from the beach to stop it washing back in and entraping sea life/.
It really is nice being with like minded people , who just have had enough and are going to do something about it.
Portlogan is a lovely sandy beach and should be more appreciated . Wild storms batter it in the winter m but it is glorious in the summer. There is a harbour just in the distance . Bilge keels a must as the falling tide leaves it high and dry.
Another beach clean on the 2nd of march at Sandhead beach . Would be appreciated if you could come along . The more people the more rubbish lifted 1pm.
Check out O. N. US facebook page for more info.
Doesn't matter how long you stay .Even half an hour would make a difference.
We are cleaning up the mess but the truth is we need to use less plastic.
People power. That means its us that determines the future. Not businesses not government. US.
Love to all out there that want a better world for our kids and grandkids and if you don't have kids then do it for your concience . But if you want a better reason . DO IT FOR THE PLANET.


  1. Well done everybody. I wish I could do a beach clean with you but unfortunately I don't have a lot of free time at weekends. But I will recycle more.


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