Skiffs and skill


This is the quote that is on the notice board of the skiff shed., and how true it is.
Stranraer has the honour and was chosen over Largs to host the 2019 World skiff championships.
Stranraer is a lovely place , but has as many placestaken iys fair share of knocks recently. Stena moved and Seacat left and many factories and businesses have left.
Well a group of people have decided to do something positive and inspiring.
They got organised and thanks to Stranraer watersports agency. The loyyery , Rottery international , SSE , The holywoood trust , Coastal communities fund and the council , got funding.
Afantastic shed has been built with a dedicated group of volunteers beavering away inside to produce skiffs.
What is a skiff , i hear you ask . Well its a large rowing boat with a rudder powered by eleven people and their oars.

 Not a single nut bolt or screw holds these skiffs to gether , just marine ply glue and skill. To make the competition fair , every boat is made the same to the same plan , with metal detectors at the competition to catch any cheaters.
They were all very busy when i got there . They did give me some of their precious time to answer questions and take photos.
These are the names of the people involved i have managed to get so far. Raymond Mundle . Phil Taylorson , Tommy Monteith , Trevor Harns and Davey Cloy.

 I would just like to wish them all the very best of luck in their race and if i am not where i am supposed to be i shall be there with them , screaming and jumping about like a looney.
I am asking every body to put the Skiff world championships July 2019 in their diary and come from all over to support the people involved.
Get your beautiful butts of the sofa and come to The Rhinns of Galloway. It is a lovely area and it is people like these volunteers who are walking the walk and doing something , that will make it even more brilliant to visit.
this is them fixing the ends of the plank wit screws. They will line it up clamp the plank on and the take the screws out.

Phil making his rudder
Tommy is ready with the wedge that goes in the top of the wooden clamp.
Safety boat already got. well prepared this lot.

sneeky peek inside the upturned boat. All went silent while i did this. They were all holding their breath when i came out. Honestly i was very careful and knew not to touch anything.
Happy team. They are all very different characters but get on very well and bring their own skills together to accomplish the task. There is one guy in a blue boilersuit , i never got the chance to put in the group photo . He was doing loads of work on the skiff.

This is where they are up to just now , i shall get back to the shed to get more photos and do another post.
looking beautiful , isnt she.

The shed .Not shown of to its best as the rain that day was hellish. I shall endeavour to get a piccy in the sunshine.


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