
Showing posts from May, 2018


NO SHE DIDN'T Doesn't she look absolutely wonderful. Well done everybody . You should be so proud, you have achieved so much. Cant wait to get behind the oars. Training starts soon and keep a lookout for her as we will be joining some regattas. Lady bay is a great name for her. I wish her happy sailing and that she always comes home. They will be stating on the next skiff in october and i will be keeping you up to date on Lady bays progress and that of her un named sister as she is built. Chuffed to bits.

Showing the lady off

 Hi again. This is the lovely skiff getting presented to Stranraer. Stranraer as you can see in the pictures has a wonderful mix of archetecture. From the 1600,s fortified town house of the Adairs to the probably now referred to retro 1970s enlightened planning of Stranraer council. Well doesn't she look good . It's abit early , so not many people about. Which was good for me so i could take photos. Next blog the naming and the launch . WILL SHE FLOAT ha ha you will have to look and see. Oh and by the way , i have signed up to row in the championships. Oh my god what have i done. Must have been abit of pride by proxy.

skiff turning , Phew

  Hi everybody . Hope you are  all well. As usual , this blog in combinatiomn with this damn computer are in a conspiracy to disrupt my sanity. You would think that having the writing going down one side of the page would be easy . But no and this is the way it goes , Why can't technology for once be on my side . So i have deemed it necessary to try and out wit the lap top. It wont matter any way because even if i do get what i want as ssoon as it goes to blog, it's all higgletepiggity and looks amess. Well you will have seen these skiffs before and haven't they done well. Who would have thought that marine ply and glue could look so stylish and sleek. This a crucial part , The turning . Many hands make light work. It has taken me some time to get the blogs together which i shall explain in a blog but i want these lads and lassies to get the credit they are due . So the next blog is some more piccys further on in the process.