
Showing posts from February, 2018

plastic , more plastic and even more plastic

 Beach clean at Portlogan beach South rhinns. well on the 18th we got together to clean plastic of another of our local beaches. We started with a safety briefing , grabbed hoops and bags and set of. These are the micro plastics you will have heard of.  Bits of fishing nets , cottonbud straws , tooth brushes etc but mostly small pieces of unidentifiable plastic. Picked up by the handful from under rocks. We all made a determined effort and got a huge amount of and at least till the tide came back in , made a visible difference. Cool licks and Hot drinks warmed us up with a free hot drink in the pouring rain. It gave us the strength to carry on. it was a great show today as about 26 people turned up with most staying for a couple of hours even in the rain. A huge fishing net was lifted from the beach to stop it washing back in and entraping sea life/. It really is nice being with like minded people , who just have had enough and are going to do something ...

Skiffs and skill

    SHIPS ARE THE NEAREST THINGS TO DREAMS THAT HANDS EVER MADE. This is the quote that is on the notice board of the skiff shed., and how true it is. Stranraer has the honour and was chosen over Largs to host the 2019 World skiff championships. HOW COOL IS THAT! Stranraer is a lovely place , but has as many placestaken iys fair share of knocks recently. Stena moved and Seacat left and many factories and businesses have left. Well a group of people have decided to do something positive and inspiring. They got organised and thanks to Stranraer watersports agency. The loyyery , Rottery international , SSE , The holywoood trust , Coastal communities fund and the council , got funding. Afantastic shed has been built with a dedicated group of volunteers beavering away inside to produce skiffs. What is a skiff , i hear you ask . Well its a large rowing boat with a rudder powered by eleven people and their oars.  Not a single nut bolt or screw holds t...

Doing our bit and having fun on the beach.

 HI Hope everyone is well and doing ok. Finally January has ended, that's us two thirds through winter, Yea. Yesterday we decided to get of our arse and do something useful. We being me , my daughter Bethany and her long term partner Tristan. Thanks to a friend on facebook i was notified of a beach clean in our community. It was at a beach i used to go to when i was a kid Kilintrigan and Knock bay Portpatrick. Now it had been a while and i was slightly unsure exactly where the turn of was.  I gave myself plenty of time , which ment i got there an hour early, typical. It was good though as i had completely forgotton just how beautiful the bay was . It was windy abit but glorious sunshine bathed the whole place in winter sun. People turned up and i recognised a few.It was organised but not military style . We all waited a while till people gathered and because of the tide being in drove of to a different access. Portpatrick not being my immediate local area ment i go...