This was us last week going for a sail.Richard the boat yard owner kindly took a photo of us. It is something very hard to do is get a picture of your own boat sailing. Still not sure about the red sail. Seems more appropriate on an old gaffer boat, but the only other one we had to fit was celtic green and it was definately not going on. Not that i am against football or celtic or any team , but my former boss was a celtic fanatic and the way my day went depended on what result and how well the game was played. Well and truely had enough of all that.. We are in here , third row in. I have at times forgotton where i parked my car in a car park. I now know that it may have been difficult to find my car , at least cars are different colours . You could be lost in here for hours. . Was taking to a guy and he realised i was scottish so he told me to go and hunt this beauty down. She has been just about been done up and is all the way from Stornoway. Once a fishing boat ...