
Hi everybody , I would like to introduce you to our pilot to be Petra. AKA Wonder woman. These photos depict a sequence in which i was just taking a photo of life boat Steve and Fran and she happened to appear. so i took the chance to photograph her. She said she doesn't mind having her photo taken but she does like to be asked first. Now that i know what a rugby player sees when about to be tackled i shall and have been asking if people want their photo taken. as you can see its quite a scaryplace to be infront of Petra in full charge. I am not one for running as i tend to fall over or pee myself laughing or what mostly happens is both. So being the wee brave lassie i am and not wanting to embarass myself held my ground and it was Petra that veered off, after minimal contact. Some people i take an instant liking to and i do her, even though she constantly takes the piss. but its not one sided and i am afraid that sometimes we even gang up and take the pis...